The Beringen mine site includes 100,000 m² of existing building heritage. This makes it the largest industrial heritage site in Flanders and unique in Europe. Of all the other mining sites in Limburg, it is the only site where the industrial heart of the mine was preserved.
The mining site is located in the small-town area of Limburg’s third largest city and at the foot of two slag heaps. Under the name be-MINE, the site is now being repurposed as a tourism-recreation project.
Urban functions such as living, working and shopping are thereby intertwined in a balanced way. With the master plan for the redevelopment of 32 acres of mine site, the historic site will be given a dignified, valuable and contemporary use.

Would you like to be kept informed or have any questions? If so, please contact Karolien Sas (project manager) or Lies Van Laer (management assistant)